Paper installation

There has been exceptional loss of biodiversity over the last few centuries, various ecosystems are being destroyed because of unsustainable use of land, water and energy use and climate change. We are looking at the beginning of the sixth mass extinction, all driven by human activity.

Coral reefs are an underwater ecosystem, they are one of the most diverse and valuable tellers on Earth beside rainforests. ”They form part of the ”blue highway” from our rivers to our oceans- the path many marine species travel throughout their life cycle.“ (Clare Woolston) And they are getting destroyed in rapid speed. They are not only extremely crucial for animals, but also for humans. The world's general population, especially many small coastal communities, rely on fishes who live in these underwater cities to survive. They also work as a barrier between us and natural disasters like tsunamis.

Work Specter of Greyness is exploring the idea of what the reefs will look like if they die. Many different colors have now become different shades of gray. These beautiful creatures are now dried rough skeletons of their past. Doomed to stay like that for hundreds of years until they get another chance for life.

Is it too late to change it? Or are we doomed to lose one of the most beautiful, diverse and valuable ecosystems. 


Degrees of Softness


Plants D cycle Spring/Summer 2023